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Filtering by Tag: Timeline

When Is The Best Time to Move

Sandy Keller

Moving can be stressful, but there are certain times of the year, month and week that are better to move into your new home. Regardless of whether you hire movers or are doing the move yourself, moving companies and rental truck agencies typically charge lower rates and have more resources available during.


Moving Timeline

Sandy Keller

Jobbers/Allied wants you to start preparing early for your move with our moving checklist. It's really never too soon to begin planning for a move, and veteran movers have found that a comprehensive moving timeline and checklist is the best strategy to ensure a smooth relocation. Our moving checklist and timeline is also a great way to involve the entire family in the move and to spread some of the responsibilities to each person, including your children.


First Things to Do When Moving to a New Home

Sandy Keller

While you've had plenty to do and organize leading up to your move, there are some things that should be done right away (or before your belongings arrive) when you move into your new place. Here are some tips for you to follow to help make it a smooth transition and make you feel right at home in your new place.